"We've Been Broken.

Loneliness, Heartbreak, Anger, these are just some of the symptoms we feel which stem from broken parts of ourselves, these parts are called shadows.''

- Ryan J Cropper

What Creates a Shadow...

The Cause

1. When the world tells us to be ashamed of who we are that's one way to create a shadow. You're weird, not good enough, too stupid, too skinny, too fat, too quire etc. All of these judgments cause us hate ourselves for being different, and in turn, reject an aspect of our personality during these traumatic events. 

2. When too much is expected of us this is another way to create a shadow self, because we could and often do let people down. Furthermore, having us blame ourselves in the process, wishing we were better wishing we were different resulting in us rejecting ourselves in the process.

3. Being told to grow up too fast. This falls in line with shadows we voluntarily cause because we have been persuaded that it's better to be anything else other than ourselves. So we push ourselves away. We here phrases such as; ''You are more mature than your brother, sister, farther, mother, etc,'' having you favor how you are being perceived rather than who you are while you put your real personality behind you - often times in disgust while be it condescending. As you can imagine, the ego can get quite prideful during these times making it incredibly difficult for one to willingly step down from their enforced sense of value. These shadows can be some of the hardest to fix, the ones we cling to in order to provide a secure sense of value, all the while not being authentic to our true selves. There are more causes all of which are explained in detail within this online program. During the process of rejecting oneself we unknowingly become schizophrenic. We also lock in place emotions we experience at the time, such as; disgust, resentment, and haltered for oneself. In time, these emotions become our emotional body, creating a sense for how we feel toward ourselves. In this program I'll teach you how to unite with these aspects of yourself and to release the emotional energies which could be causing you today to have low self-esteem, panic attack's, and whole host of social, mental, and physical health problems just to name a few which stem from emotional trauma.

How Shadows Ruin Our Lives Due To Trauma...

Past traumas have a nasty way of interrupting our present moment, made never more obvious then when facing triggers. When spoken down to we revert into children. We determine how we treat others based off of similar encounters within our past, for better or worse. Acting as such causes many problems, because if you treat a stranger poorly because they remind you of your ex from your past, you'll miss out on any and all opportunities that this person has to offer. It can also make for an uncomfortable social situation. Imagine you and your co-workers - having gotten used to this current version of you, are standing within a room. A childhood friend walks in triggering an old personality within you. This - depending on your co-workers preference in people, could either be a good thing or a bad thing. You could turn into an extraverted confident person, or perhaps start using grammar that is frowned upon within the company. Imagine their faces... Having lack of control over your shadows can pose so many issues. You could have an unexpected breakdown, make a fool of yourself, or become uncomfortably shy depending on the trigger.

Furthermore, then there's being derailed in life. Life takes a certain amount of peace in order to just function coherently. When you're being reminded of 'that lost loved one' due to music playing in the background, or how much time you have left before a deadline, triggers can knock you sideways removing any and all hope of peace. Furthermore, leaving you standing in the present moment living entirely out of your past. When this happens you're not open to new relationships, exploring new horizons, or placing your attention elsewhere for creative endeavors. You're minds on the past not the now when it comes to building your future, and worse still so is your body. Having the ability to let go of the past will allow you to be present, creating room for endless possibilities. You let go of the past by changing your perception on the past. Within this course I teach you of 13 ways to see your traumas - different perspectives. And if you're in need of more then in addition to the large index of techniques, I show you how to see your traumas from 162 perspectives, each giving you golden nuggets about your past that will allow for further healing. View the course curriculum below in order to find out more about what's in this program.

What's Inside This Course...

In This Course You Will Learn How to...

Heal and Integrate your inner child.

Identify Shadow-selves

Let go of your past.

• Heal your emotional body.

Release Trauma.

• Fully Integrate with your Intuition.

Uncover your suppressed memories.

• Heal sexual trauma.

• Move your awareness through the 13 sacred spaces in the body.

Scan your emotional body.

• Develop complete perception mastery over your past.

• Experience the world from the Heart space.

Live from your throat.

Accept yourself and be okay with who you are.

Accept the past & forgive those who hurt you.

Access and become your subconscious mind.

Remove and replace traumatic emotional energy.

• Sort through your problems from 162 different perspectives.

Integrate with suppressed aspects of yourself.

• Fully live in the now.

Memory Mastery

Not only will you be mastering shadow integration within this course, but as a bonus feature, you'll also be receiving our advanced memory regression teachings - value [ ̶$̶1̶0̶0̶.̶7̶4̶].

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